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New WordPress Plugin to list posts in complex nested websites

List all posts by Authors, nested Categories and Titles is a new WordPress Plugin I recently wrote to fix a menu issue I had during a complex website development. It has been included on official WordPress Plugin repository. The Plugin is particularly suitable to all multi-nested categories and multi-authors websites handling a large number of posts and complex nested category layout (i.e.: academic papers, newpapers articles, etc). This plugin allows the user to place a shortcode into any page and get rid of a long and nested menu/submenu to show all site’s posts. A selector in the page will allow the reader to select grouping by Category/Author/Title.

Output grouped by Category will look like:

    post1                       AUTHOR
        post2                   AUTHOR
        post3                   AUTHOR
            post4               AUTHOR

while in the “Author” grouping mode, it is:

  post1               [CATEGORY]
  post2               [CATEGORY]

  post1               [CATEGORY]
  post2               [CATEGORY]

The Plugin is holding a GPL2 license and it can be downloaded from its page on WP Plugins.



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